One Month = One Focus

I found something that works well!

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As I’ve been tapering off some medication, I’ve needed to keep track so I’ve had a small sticky note on my bathroom wall. It has the name of the month written on the top, the schedule for my meds and a few important dates/events that are top priority.

It also includes a short focus statement. For me, this means something that if and when I feel distracted by circumstances, I can be reminded of as I read it while brushing my teeth before bed.

Less than two months ago, my oldest brother passed away. It was an extremely difficult and exhausting time as we walked through the week of the funeral and the wedding of his daughter a few days later. I won’t say much more about that here as those thoughts will remain precious and private. But I will say that I experienced an exhaustion that was profound. My capacity to be with people, have simple conversations and attend regular outings wore me out like nothing I’ve experienced.

I took the opportunity to stay home, skip church, miss out on parties and just reserve my energy for my husband, sons and a few close friends and family. I’ve heard that there is no formula for grief or loss so I just allowed myself to experience it as is. I did notice however, that time and sleep and more time, increased my levels of energy and capacity.

So as July begins and new expectations pop up in conversations, “What are you doing this summer?" “Got any plans?” I feel compelled to keep the sticky-note, focus-statement on the wall of my bathroom.

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July’s focus =

How about you? What are the top priorities for you this month? How is your energy? What do you feel is most important right now? Rest? Activity? One project? Less projects? Staying home? Travelling?

I invite you to join me, and take some time to assess and choose a focus for July . . . and then August . . . and maybe by September we’ll feel refreshed for the new energy that the new season brings having chosen well throughout the summer.

Happy July to you. :)
