Lack nothing?

"The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing." Psalm 23:1

Okay Lord, but you and I both know about my insecurities. They cause me to lack a lot of things.

I am your shepherd, you lack nothing.

But what about my fears? Don't they inhibit me from being as productive as I could be? Once those are dealt with then I will be a better person for you.

I am your shepherd, so, again - there is still nothing you lack.

But, what about the way I tend to worry about little things . . . and try to gain people's approval . . . and what about the days that I am not sure if my motives are out of love or a desire to control a situation or people?

That is why I am your shepherd - and you still - lack nothing.

But Lord, can't I improve? Can't I permanently fix these inconsistencies in my life? Wouldn't that please you more? Wouldn't you want me around you then? Why do you even bother involving me in your great plans when I stumble so many times?

But you are forgetting, I am your shepherd . . . that is why you lack nothing!