Learn from a Dish-Washer?

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Brother Lawrence became so accustomed to contemplating and enjoying God's presence that he gave up "all forms of devotions and set prayers except those which are suitable to [doing all things from the] motive of pure love for God." For him, this included washing dishes over and over again. He described his spiritual life as a "secret conversation of the soul with God".

A simple man, in the 1660's, devoted to God. Richard Foster describes Brother Lawrence's writing as "no other writing in all of Christian literature so beautifully and simply expresses the joy of living in the presence of God."

Consider letting your structured quiet time with God flow naturally from your soul's conversations with God all day long. Try it and see what happens! Let this summer be a time for trying new ways of experiencing God.  Why not?

Brother Lawrence. The Practice of the Presence of God. Translated by John J. Delaney. New York: Doubleday, 1977.