A Letter from God

"Good morning,

I am thinking about you today.

I know you see yourself as lacking or missing something. You feel inadequate about your abilities and are always looking to improve and learn and conquer one more hurdle.

But what if I told you that today, you remind me of a child with a lunch. 

Remember that story? 

The boy held up his lunch to me and I just smiled at him.  I'm sure he never thought his lunch would go down in history as famous but he offered it to me anyway. He had food, we needed to feed thousands of people, and he thought maybe his little bread and fish pieces would help. It did. It fed thousands. It made history.

And I imagine it changed that boy's view of what is possible. I bet the next day when he packed his lunch he didn't calculate if it would be enough, he knew I had a whole different way of doing things.

I want you to stop measuring the possibilities of what I can do with what you offer. You have no idea what I can do. It will blow your mind! It is NOT about making more money, or helping the maximum amount of people at one time. It is not about knowing what comes next or having goals in your mind that become successful achievements. And it not about securing some degree or qualification that you think will allow you more opportunities.

It is about offering what you have to Me.....your whole lunch, your ideas, your talent, your skills, your love, your energy, your health, your illness . . . everything. Don't measure, don't calculate or reason it out. Don't try to edit or add more into what you have. Just open your lunchbox.

I ask you, 'What have you got? Can you show me? Bring it over here. Show me regardless of how little you think it is. Look into my eyes, see my smile, and believe that I can do amazing things beyond your imagination.'

There is a whole story left to be written through your life.

So paint, sing, build, engineer, write, design, compose, wipe noses, change bedding, create laws, fix electrical problems, win a gold medal, win an election . . . I created you that way, I am responsible for what is in your lunchbox and I can multiply it and bless others, if you let Me.  Just offer it to me...the rest is My job... The rest is what I do. This is where miracles happen, people are blessed, fed, faith is increased, and the one who offered his lunch gets to watch and be amazed at the part he got to play in the bigger story.

The boy didn't preach or heal or do anything else but offer what he had in that moment. That is ALL I ask of you today.

So . . . what's in your lunch? "